Puscifer stars in “Global Probing,” a concert film that brings the band’s international Existential Reckoning tour into living rooms worldwide.
“‘Global Probing’ should serve to dispel any deep state rumors that Puscifer, a.k.a. Pusciforce, are actually a super-secret government agency, posing as a Rock Music Band, searching for alien life forms living among us,” says Special Agent Dick Merkin.
“But seriously,” adds Maynard James Keenan, “we’re just a Rock Band. Seriously.”
Need order help?
Updated Global Probing shipping timelines:
Any orders that include CD/Blu-ray: we are expecting to be able to start shipping orders the first week of December
Any orders that include unsigned vinyl: we are expecting to be able to start shipping orders the week of December 18th
Any orders that include signed vinyl: we are expecting to be able to start shipping orders the week of January 1st
If you have an outstanding Global Probing order with the store and have questions about your order, please contact and we will respond to you ASAP.
Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more info.